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AQAR 2020-2021 Criteria 2
2.1.1.a.Copy of letter issued by State Govt. or and Central Government (which-ever applicable) Indicating there served categories to be considered as per the GO rule (translated in English)
2.1.1.f Any other relevant information
2.1.3 a Total number of students enrolled in
2.1.3 b E-copies of admission letters of the students enrolled from other states
2.2.1 c Details of special programmes for slow performers and advanced Learners
2.2.1 d Student participation details and outcome records
2.2.3 a Appropriate documentary evidence Extramural and beyond the classroom activities
2.2.3 b Any other relevant information Achievements GC proceedings
2.3.1. b Any other relevant information Student centric methods
2.3.2 d Any other relevant information List of training or CDE conducted
2.3.3 b List of teachers using ICT-enabled tools (including LMS)
2.3.3.d Any other relevant information Library details
2.3.3. c Webpage describing LMS
2.3.4. b Any other relevant information mentor mentee interactions
2.3.5 .a Appropriate documentary evidence creativity and analytical skills
2.4.3 b Any other relevant information Appointment letters
2.4.4. e Web-link to the contents delivered by the faculty hosted in the HEI’s website contents or courses developed
2.4.4. d Certificate of completion of training for development of and delivery of econtents _ e-courses _ Video lectures _ demonstrations
2.5.1.a Academic calendar
2.5.1.b Dates of conduct of internal assessment examinations
2.5.2.a Details of University examinations _ Continuous Internal Evaluations (CIE) conducted during the last year
2.6.4.a Proceedings of parent –teachers meetings held during the year
2.6.4.b Follow up reports on the action taken and outcome analysis
2.7.1 Feedback